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Gabrielle Renshaw

Home: Welcome

Advocacy Proposal

Introduction: The specific problem I want to address is the lack of mental health support at the University of Illinois. The scope has...

The Art of Complaining

As a person who has recently come to terms and been diagnosed with depression, severe anxiety, and OCD, the lack of mental health...

Never See, Never Will

This blog post involved a lot of time thinking for me. There are so many things in life that I have never seen and probably never will....

Customize It

The common household item that I have chosen to analyze and deconstruct and remix is a coffee cup. I chose this item because I am a bit...

Self Shape

The second I read what the next blog post entailed, I instantly knew what I was going to create. My shape is a heart with some cracks in...

Become Someone Else

The one thing I chose to change about myself was whether or not I wore makeup. It was a funny change because on a daily basis I do not...

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